Sunday, August 9, 2009

Great Beginnings

We did it! The Grand Opening was a huge success. We had lines of people at the door. We were able to give out our 50 gift bags before we even reached the end of the line.

It was such a joy to see everyone so excited just to get in the doors.

Everyone stopped by the front counter to sign up for our hourly drawings.
The CarSeat Safety Check by KIP was so great. Lots of our babies are saver now do to their service and the rollover convencer was incredibly scary.

Later in the afternoon Emma and Henry stopped by to see how things were going. It was so good to see them. Not to mention Emma go to play on the Tumblebuss for a while. She had a great time and the girls were so sweet to her.

Our days was made so special by having special friends there to help.
Front Row: Sara, Donna, Marrion
Back Row: Vikki, Jeff, Doug, Dave, Anne, Rich, and Karen

Everyone worked incredibly hard. Even Doug did everything he could!

Jeff didn't get in the group picture so I had to snap a quick one of him.

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