I have said it before and I will say it again. This is my favorite show of the year. This show is much smaller than the ABC show in the Fall...well that is really a huge understatement. There are only 200 manufactures allowed into this show and only specialty stores get to come. NO BIG BOX no E-tailers...So I get time to have meaningful conversations with my manufactures without having BRU walk in behind me or have AMAZON watch what I am picking out. I have almost enough time to make it through the entire vendor area with out killing myself. There are lots of stores that have one person who buys metal (strollers, carseats, etc) one person who buys bedding, one person who buys furniture. But not StorkLand....Jo, Doug and I do it ALL and ALL together!!!
Another big reason I love this show is the social and educational side of it. We begin the Show with a Welcome Reception. This year it was at Glass Works...TOO COOL!!! The next day we spend most all of it in workshops with different Industry Speakers. We learned
alot about Social Networking and Improving our Customer Service as well as Holding Special Events. Great information from INCREDIBLE speakers. Then late that Afternoon the trade show begins. After we have shopped our hearts out the
Louisville Bourbon
Buses arrive to take us to the Convention Center where 2011 and 2012 Fall ABC show will be held. We are truly given the RED CARPET treatment. Yummy Food, Great Drinks, Cigars, Entertainment (my
fav was the photo booth-Yvette we are still waiting on our pics) Great Great Show...lots of work, lots of learning, and lots of FUN!!!

This is Mary-Baby's 1st Furniture in Houston, Karla-Kid Stuff Super Store-Lincoln NE, and ME!! Our hotel had a fun sports bar where you could always find a group of our friends hanging around.

This is Jon Chamberlain. The CEO of
Britax. This year I was asked to serve on the
Britax National Advisory Committee. It was a HUGE honor. There are AMAZING things coming from
Britax. You wont believe it. Thank you Jon for allowing me to be a part. One of my next blogs will introduce part of their up-coming news. The rest you will have to wait until JUNE for!!! Your going to want to keep up with this...It is amazing!!!

ABC Welcome Party at Glass Works
May-Baby's 1st Furniture in Houston, Terri -Moonlight Slumber, Yvette-Baby's 1st Furniture in Houston, Joellen-
StorkLand, and Lori-Tots to Teen in Kalamazoo

Glass Works was a great venue. The work they do there is amazing.

Great Friends Shelby and Shannon from Luv Stuff, Haily Bug, Simple Stuff, and
Maci Moo's These are Busy GIRLS!!!

They were actually blowing glass while our party was going on. We could watch each step. This is truly an art!

This is the view from the roof. I greatly
preferred the roof to the smoking room...The guys could smoke their cigars without it bothering us and we could still socialize and be around them without complaining about the smoke...Everyone WINS!!!

This was the cigar room...no there is nothing wrong with my camera....That is how much SMOKE was in that place...CRAZY!!!!

Jo/Mom, Me and Doug/Dad

Me, Antoinette-Baby's Dream, Karla-Kids Stuff Super Store Lincoln, NE, and Kelly-Baby's Dream. Great set of girls....We have so much fun together.

This is that RED CARPET treatment I was talking about. This is the actual guy that plays the horn at the
Kentucky Derby. He played as we arrived and walked down the Red Carpet while the staff stood on either side clapping for us.

This is the outside fireplace at the Convention Center. Have you ever been to a Convention Center Like this...Me Neither...

One of the
amenities that was brought in for our party was a cigar roller....Boy the guys loved this. This is Carol from Baby's Dream
trying one on for size.

This is Jacob from Baby's 1st in Houston. He is one of my buds!! I know I can call him and vise
versa for anything...and we do!!! LOVE YA!