At the ABC show Henry was 4 months old. My mom, dad and I went a few days early for meetings. By the time Shad got there I was a CRAZY woman, no sleep, emotional, not thinking clearly….You know you have all been there. Having Shad and Emma with me put me at ease but didn’t get me any more shut eye.
While at the market one day Shad brought a new swaddle blanket up to me, the Miracle Blanket. I had seen the booth year after year and honestly didn’t think we needed another blanket (not to mention it was pricy) Shad got a sample and said lets just try it tonight with Henry and see what happens. (He is good at getting samples)
As the saying goes seeing is believing and in this case sleeping is believing. Henry slept 5 hours the first night, 7 hours the second night and at least 9 hours every night after. (Unless we had an ear infection) It TRULY was a MIRACLE. In fact I carried the blanket with me every where. I hardly even washed it because I was so afraid I would need it for a nap.
Of course I went back and placed an order for all 3 stores and have since reordered and reordered.
This blanket is sanity. We are big believers in swaddling and had been swaddling Henry he was just to strong and could wiggle his way out. But not with this blanket, in fact I thought I was going to have to swaddle him until he was 18. I could just picture him coming in from a date and asking to be swaddled before bed. He did eventually out grow his need to be tightly wrapped but not until he was almost 7 months old. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE MIRACLE BLANKET!!!!
Check out this video on their website. You will see what I mean!!
Step One:Lay the blanket on a flat surface with the foot pouch at the bottom and lay baby between armflaps with tops of shoulders slightly above top of blanket.


To further enhance effectiveness, try the following:
After wrapping your baby, cradle her on your forearm facing down or forward.
Gently rock or jiggle your baby while making long "Shushing" sounds in her ear.
If your baby likes a pacifier, definitely use it
Important Tips:
If your baby seems too warm, dress her in a diaper and The Amazing Miracle Blanket only.
The room temperature where your baby sleeps should be comfortable for a lightly dressed adult (67-72°F).
As your baby grows, the blanket may seem loose around her legs. This is perfectly okay. This will allow for proper movement and development of her hip and knee joints.
It is best to wrap your baby very snugly. It's normal for her to fuss when first wrapped - especially the first few times. But don't worry, after a week or two most babies begin to relax at the mere sight of the blanket.
Be sure that the blanket is NOT touching your baby's cheeks. This may trigger her "Rooting Response" and may wake her. If the blanket is touching her cheeks, you have wrapped her too low in the blanket. You must be sure the top of the blanket is slightly below the tops of her shoulders.
It is very important to tuck the arm flaps securely and flat under your baby's back as the flaps keep your baby from working her arms free and waking herself. This also keeps your baby's arms in the most effective position - at her sides.
Many babies prefer to have their feet free. In step two you may position your baby with her feet on top of the foot pouch to see if your baby prefers to be wrapped this way.