The Baby Human Spoons have arrived at StorkLand. I was introduced to this product a while back. The inventor sent me a sample to let my little man try it out. I gave him the spoon to play with and teeth on as a toy. He learned to manuver it from hand to hand. This is a double sided spoon so that it can be used in either the right or left hand. He was comfortable chewing on it and use to seeing it. He also developed muscle memory of grasping the spoon and and moving it to his mouth. Another feature that I really like about this spoon/teether is the over insertion gaurd, this keeps Mr. H from choking himself on it.
About 2 months ago when Mr. H was 14 months old he began feeding himself. He did this so well. Yes it was a bit messy at first but he is still really young. I was amazed at how well he did and how much he liked it. To say the least we are VERY independent and this will make feeding time more enjoyable for both of us. I was also very impressed with his muscle memory.
I think this is a great tool to help baby learn to feed themselves. Come in today and get one. Put you and your baby on the road to happy feeding times