A good nights sleep is worth a mint!! Literally, for me it is sanity. It is the difference in being a good mom, wife, and employee and being a BEAR!!!! Shad and I have worked so hard to ensure a welcome sleep
environment for our kids both for them as well as for us. These Cloud B products have been great tools from birth to present day with both Ms. E and Mr. H.

They each sleep with the Twilight Turtle. I love that in the middle of the night if they wake up they can just reach over and turn on their turtles and see stars on the ceiling. Ms. E's favorite color is blue right now and so each night after we say our prayers and I turn her turtle on she says blue please. That turtle is now 6 years old. We change his batteries every few months and she love him.
Now Mr. H has had his turtle in his room since birth and I turned it on each night before I closed the door but his turtle has now found it's way into his crib. He is just 2 years old but he will turn his turtle on at night and sometimes in the morning. He has one of those great DARK rooms so this morning for example he woke up and called for me while I was in the midst of putting Ms. E's hair in a ponytail. I called out that I would be there in a minute and to turn on his turtle. When I opened the door his room was filled with little green stars and he was happy.
The Twilight Turtle stays on for about 20 minutes and it can shoot starts in green, blue and yellow.

This is the Twilight LadyBug. She is exactly the same as the Twilight Turtle but in cute LadyBug form. Ms. E really wants one of her as well...not that she is giving up her turtle but in addition too!

These last two little guys are great also. These
stuffies are both sound machines. White noise is so important for newborns. You may remember the bear with the mother's heartbeat. Well these two guys are an updated version of that. Neither of these were available when Ms. E was born so I put a TV in her room and turned it to a static channel. It worked well. About 3 months after she was born we got in the sheep. We both loved it!!!
Infact she still gets the sheep out every once in a while to play with. Mr. H got a
Gentle Giraffe and he still lives with him daily, even 2 years later.
I hope that these additions will help you and your kiddo's get some much needed rest!
PS...The Sleep Sheep and Gentle Giraffe also come in a travel size. They are really good for new puppies as well!!!