Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Baby Burrito

The Baby Burrito-Oh little did Shad and I know how much this little trick would save our lives when the nurses at the hospital were helping teach us how to prefect it.

After we brought Ms. E home sleepless nights was an understatement. This little girl just wouldn't be put down. In the wee hours of the morning I found Shad watching "The happiest baby on the block" with a screaming baby in his arms. He watched and learned about the 5 s's. Swaddling, Swaying, Shushing, Side, and Sucking. Swaddle the baby, lay them across your arm on their side, Sway back and forth while shushing in their ear (white noise) and holding a binkie in their mouth. It worked like a charm. Turned her tears right off. From then on if she was fed and dry and started crying we used this method.

The most important part of this for us was the swaddling. I needed the perfect blanket and we didn't have one...nor did we sell one at StorkLand. The search was on.

I found several that I love. Miracle Blanket, Swaddle Designs, Luna, Swaddle Me, Swaddle Pod, and Aden and Anais.

I have blogged about several of these before but today I want to talk to you about Aden and Anais. This is the perfect most versatile blanket. It is made of muslin. This fabric is breathable 1st and foremost as well as super soft and durable. The blanket is 47X47. This is so important. You get the best swaddle from a square blanket. The size of this one allows for swaddling for months. (I swear we swaddled Ms. E for 6 months) With every wash these amazing blankets get softer and softer. You can use them to cover the carrier when you are out in the elements. Their sheer textures allows for breathabiltiy which is key in our area but it is also very warm and moisture wicking.

There are lots of colors and styles as well as an organic option. You can try them out in a 2 pack or buy the box of 4. You wont regret this as a gift or for you sweet heart.

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